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英國語文系(科)/碩士班 Department of English BA. & MA.
翻譯系/碩士班 Department of Translation and Interpreting BA. & MA.
外語教學系/碩專班 Department of Foreign Language Instruction BA. & MA.
國際事務系/碩士班 Department of International Affairs BA. & MA.
英語教學中心 Center for English Language Teaching
師資培育中心 Center for Teacher Education
國際商務英語學士學位學程 Bachelor’s Degree Program of International Business English
國際觀光與會展學士學位學程 Bachelor’s Degree Program of International Tourism and MICE
國際事務碩士班(全英文授課) Department of International Affairs MA. (All courses taught in English)
雙語化學習計畫 BEST Program
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雙聯學制 Dual Degree Program
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Implementation Guidelines for English-Taught Business Management Credit Program
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雙語化學習計畫【BEST Program】
計畫簡介 Introduction
資訊公開 Information
具備EMI技能研習證書之教師 Faculty members who have earned the Certificate in EMI Skills
全英語授課表 EMI Courses
計畫助理 Assistant
活動成果 Activities
110學年度 110th Academic Year
111學年度 111th Academic Year
112學年度 112th Academic Year
學術顧問 Academic Advisors
Professor Bertha Du-Babcock
Professor Michael Byram
EMI 獎補助申請 Subsidy Application
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高等教育深耕計畫【Higher Education Sprout Project】
112年度 112 Higher Education Sprout Project
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執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
國際文教暨涉外事務學院成果海報 Poster
111年度 111 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
110年度 110 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
109年度 109 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
108年度 108 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
107年度 107 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
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【Prize quiz】Exploring AI: Innovations and Creations
發佈日期 2025-03-28 09:17
【活動公告】 03月文化角有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Cultural Corner event in March
發佈日期 2025-03-20 11:13
【Prize quiz】World Poetry Day: A Global Celebration of Literary Expression
發佈日期 2025-02-27 15:11
【活動公告】 01月文化角有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Cultural Corner event in December
發佈日期 2025-02-10 16:35
【Prize quiz】Unique New Year Traditions Around the World: A Cross-Cultural Celebration
發佈日期 2024-12-27 10:46
【活動公告】 12月文化角有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Cultural Corner event in December
發佈日期 2024-12-27 10:04
【Prize quiz】Taiwan’s Historic WBSC Premier12 Victory: A Triumph of Tradition, Teamwork, and National Pride
發佈日期 2024-11-29 08:37
【活動公告】 11月文化角有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Cultural Corner event in November
發佈日期 2024-11-29 08:35
【Prize quiz】Unity and Gratitude: The Cultural Significance of Thanksgiving
發佈日期 2024-11-04 16:09
【活動公告】 10月文化角有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Cultural Corner event in October
發佈日期 2024-11-01 15:39
【Prize quiz】Diwali: Celebrating the Triumph of Light and Goodness
發佈日期 2024-09-30 11:24
【活動公告】6月文化角 有獎徵答活動 得獎名單 The List of Winners for the June Cultural Corner Activity
發佈日期 2024-07-04 14:39
【Answer to Win Gift】Preserving the Tradition of Fragrant Sachets for Blessing During Dragon Boat Festival
發佈日期 2024-05-31 13:11
【活動公告】5月文化角 有獎徵答活動 得獎名單 The List of Winners for the May Cultural Corner Activity
發佈日期 2024-05-21 14:39
【Answer to Win Gift】The Xia-hai City God Cultural Festival: Pray for Meeting the Right Person
發佈日期 2024-05-01 08:00
【活動公告】4月文化角 有獎徵答活動 得獎名單 The List of Winners for the April Cultural Corner Activity
發佈日期 2024-04-23 10:54
【Answer to Win Gift】Celebrating Ancestral Roots: Tomb-Sweeping Day in Taiwan
發佈日期 2024-03-29 14:17
【活動公告】 3月文化角落有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the March Cultural Corner event.
發佈日期 2024-03-28 14:43
【Answer to Win Gift】Passing on Taiwan's indigenous culture through The Annual Neimen Song Jiang Battle Array.
發佈日期 2024-03-05 14:11
【活動公告】 1月文化角落有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Jan Cultural Corner event.
發佈日期 2024-02-06 11:13
【Answer to Win Gift】The Most special Taiwanese customs of Lantern Festival and Chinese New Year
發佈日期 2024-01-05 16:16
【活動公告】 12月文化角落有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Dec Cultural Corner event.
發佈日期 2023-12-28 11:13
【Answer to Win Gift】Would you like a bowl of Laba Congee on the coldest days?
發佈日期 2023-12-05 14:53
【活動公告】 11月文化角落有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Nov Cultural Corner event.
發佈日期 2023-11-30 11:13
【Answer to Win Gift】Have you heard of the annual Taiwan Green Expo?
發佈日期 2023-11-13 15:37
【活動公告】 10月文化角落有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the Oct Cultural Corner event.
發佈日期 2023-10-27 15:49
【Answer to Win Gift】The coolest lion dance brings peace and inclusivity to the Kaohsiung Wan Nian Folklore Festival!
發佈日期 2023-10-11 16:21
【新聞】A New Cultural Corner 互動的文化角
發佈日期 2023-10-11 08:37
【活動公告】 9月文化角落有獎徵答得獎名單 The list of winners for the September Cultural Corner event.
發佈日期 2023-09-28 15:50
【Answer to Win Gift】What is the unique way to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival in Taiwan?
發佈日期 2023-09-14 12:49
【文化分享】Most Special Activity for Ghost Festival Culture in Taiwan? 最特殊的台灣中元普渡文化活動?
發佈日期 2023-08-22 00:00