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【Announcement】The college has invited Professor Michael Byram and Professor Bertha Du-Babcock to serve as academic advisors of the college.

發布日期 2023-08-17 16:22:00

Starting from the 112th academic year, the college has invited Professor Michael Byram and Professor Bertha Du-Babcock to serve as academic advisors.



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Professor Michael Byram is an internationally renowned scholar in intercultural communication and has been instrumental in developing the "World Citizens for Europe" framework for the European Union. He has published numerous academic books and articles, with a remarkable output of over twenty pieces. One of his notable achievements is the development of the five-level model for Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) for language learners. His groundbreaking work, including the 1997 publication "Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence," shifted the focus of English language education from mere skills like listening, speaking, reading, and writing to learners' intercultural competence, allowing English learning to be context-oriented.


For more detailed informationhttps://reurl.cc/r5e9Ob


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Professor Bertha Du-Babcock received the prestigious Francis W. Weeks Award of Merit from ABC in 2021. This esteemed award recognizes her extensive contributions and leadership in the field, as well as her outstanding contributions to the discipline of business communication. Her research and publications have significantly impacted the global academic and professional communication community, earning her international recognition for her business and professional communication assistance. She has received nine international awards, including honors for teaching and research. She served as the President of the Association in 2015-16 and held positions as a board member and Vice President of the Asia-Pacific Region. She serves as an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Business Communication (IJBC) and is a member of the editorial boards of eight international journals.


For more detailed informationhttps://reurl.cc/VL9zbN