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【焦點新聞】This is It!: A Close Encounter Between Us and TSMC (文科生和台積電的近距離接觸,就是現在!)

發布日期 2023-11-11 09:18:00

This is It!: A Close Encounter Between Us and TSMC



On November 10, the dean of the CICEFA (College of International Culture and Education and Foreign Affairs), Sandie, and the head of the English department, Li-ying, paid a visit to Prof. Chang (張鼎張教授) in National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU), talking about the upcoming high-tech talent course (高科技產業人才培訓課程) and its potential connections with TSMC.


Before the talk, Tina (郭庭慈) a Ph.D. student, adeptly introduced the laboratory's equipment—a low-temperature measurement platform. Tina creatively illustrated the correlation between mobile phone components and trench detection under low temperatures, going so far as to use pizza to explain component sizes, making the introduction lively and easy to understand.


Subsequently, the College dean and the department head delved into a comprehensive discussion with Prof. Chang regarding the imminent high-tech industry talent course. Prof. Chang underscored the growing need for professionals with language proficiency in the high-tech sector, particularly in companies like TSMC, which operate globally and prioritize proficiency in English, Japanese, and German due to their extensive manufacturing factories.


Prof. Chang has already conducted several sessions of high-tech industry talent training course at Wenzao. Thanks to his clear explanations, students found the concepts of high technology and semiconductors less daunting. One of the course participants, Ms. Tang, was even invited to speak at the 2023 Youth in Semiconductor Technology Forum in August.


The College will continue offering high-tech industry talent training starting on November 22, 2023, and welcomes those interested to sign up.



Prof. Chang's Homepage: https://sites.google.com/view/tccgroupweb/home


The Dean Lo presented the gift to Prof. Chang



Group photo with Tina, Dr. Wu, head of the English department,

Prof. Chang, Dean Lo, and Melody