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【Answer to Win Gift】The Xia-hai City God Cultural Festival: Pray for Meeting the Right Person

發布日期 2024-05-01 08:00:00

The Xia-hai City God Cultural Festival: Pray for Meeting the Right Person

The Xia-hai City God Cultural Festival is an exclusive religious event in Dadaocheng, Taipei. The festival was originated from the Qing Dynasty. Within the City God Temple resides the City God--a deity believed to have emerged from the natural spirits linked to "city walls" and "moats." However, beginning in 1971, the City God Temple in Xia-hai started to worship the Matchmaker Deity, becoming renowned and efficacious for matchmaking ever since. Today, visitors also come to the City God temple to pray for meeting the right person in their lives. Some married couples visit to buy a pair of fortune shoes so that they may receive the deitys blessings and pray for a happy and harmonious family. The festival attracts numerous attendees from various places, all seeking good fortune and successful marriages.

Taipei City government holds the Xia-hai City God Cultural Festival annually from April 25th to May 25th in the Lunar calendar. This event aims to facilitate a better understanding of Taiwanese culture through exhibitions, puppet troupes, performances, and lectures. A notable proverb, "people look at people on May 13th" (五月十三人看人), describes the grand procession of the City God. The significance of the event in preserving local heritage can be aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, "Sustainable Cities and Communities."

Reference: 霞海城隍廟2024台北霞海城隍文化節臺北旅遊網


List of Vocabulary - Learn New Words:

1. Xia-hai City God temple (n.) 霞海城隍廟

2. Matchmaker Deity (n.) 月老

3. Lunar calendar (n.) 農曆

4. Puppet troupe (n. ) 布袋戲團

#SDGs #the Xia-hai City God Cultural Festival #Local Taiwanese Event


Answer to win gift:

Q: Have you ever participated in a temple event? Please provide details. If not, what would you like to do if you visit it?

Please share your insights with at least 50 words. Please do not copy words from the paragraphs.


Please submit your answer to the google form https://reurl.cc/gGWxnQ


Please submit your answer by the end of May.

The top three students who provide appropriate answers will receive a gift.

The result will be announced next month on the college website of Wenzao.  

The gifts for the non-Wenzaorians will be sent to your college and will be notified by email.