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【Answer to Win Gift】Preserving the Tradition of Fragrant Sachets for Blessing During Dragon Boat Festival

發布日期 2024-05-31 13:11:00

Preserving the Tradition of Fragrant Sachets for Blessing During Dragon Boat Festival

    The Dragon Boat Festival is a significant traditional holiday in Taiwan. Ancient people believed that the hot weather in May brought various poisons. Besides the popular customs of eating rice dumplings and dragon boat racing, people also hung or wore sachets filled with medicinal herbs at their doorways or on their bodies to repel evil, insects, and ensure safety.

    Another tradition holds that for the first three years after a daughter marries, she must return home for the Dragon Boat Festival with sachets for her family and local children, as the fragrance is believed to ward off evil. These sachets are typically made from mugwort, calamus, peppermint, and eupatorium. According to ancient beliefs, mugwort repels mosquitoes and evil spirits, calamus dispels dampness, peppermint repels insects, and eupatorium boosts immunity. The combination of these herbs symbolizes peace and health. You can buy or make a sachet this Dragon Boat Festival to experience Taiwanese cultural traditions and appreciate the value of Chinese herbs in daily life. Additionally, making sachets aligns with SDG 4's goal of promoting quality education and lifelong learning through continuous self-education in different cultures.


Sources: China Times, YAHOO News


List of Vocabulary - Learn New Words

1. Fragrant sachet (n.) 香包

2. Mugwort (n.) 艾草

3. Calamus (n.) 菖蒲

4. Peppermint (n.) 薄荷

5. Eupatorium (n.) 佩蘭

6. Dampness (n.) 濕氣


Answer to win gift:

Q: Have you ever participated in Dragon Boat Festival activities or experienced any aspects of Dragon Boat Festival culture? If not, can you share with us any similar traditions especially about the custom of using fragrant sachets?

Please share your insights with at least 50 words. Please do not copy words from the paragraphs.

Please submit your answer to the google form:



Please submit your answer by the end of June.

The top three students who provide appropriate answers will receive a gift.

The result will be announced next month on the college website of Wenzao. 

The gifts for the non-Wenzaorians will be sent to your college and will be notified by email.