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本院各系所 Programs
英國語文系(科)/碩士班 Department of English BA. & MA.
翻譯系/碩士班 Department of Translation and Interpreting BA. & MA.
外語教學系/碩專班 Department of Foreign Language Instruction BA. & MA.
國際事務系/碩士班 Department of International Affairs BA. & MA.
英語教學中心 Center for English Language Teaching
師資培育中心 Center for Teacher Education
國際商務英語學士學位學程 Bachelor’s Degree Program of International Business English
國際觀光與會展學士學位學程 Bachelor’s Degree Program of International Tourism and MICE
國際事務碩士班(全英文授課) Department of International Affairs MA. (All courses taught in English)
雙語化學習計畫 BEST Program
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亮點特色 Highlights
現任院長 College Dean
歷任院長 Previous College Deans
系所師資 Faculty of Each Department
學院秘書 Secretary
學院招生簡介 Introduction
學生手冊 Student Handbook
學院各系招生資訊與宣傳片 Admission Information
科目學分表 Course and Credits
國外大學開設全英授課課程明細 EMI Courses Provided by Overseas Universities
學術研究【Academic Research】
獎勵補助教師學術研究成果 Results of Faculty Academic Research Reward/Subsidy
大專學生研究計畫 MOST Student Projects
教師社群 Faculty Community
國際交流【International Activities】
雙聯學制 Dual Degree Program
姊妹校 Partner Universities
交流活動 Activities of International & Inter-school Cooperation
學分學程【Credit Program】
Implementation Guidelines for English-Taught Business Management Credit Program
外籍生招募 Recruiting
計畫影片 Project Introduction
活動亮點 Activities
雙語化學習計畫【BEST Program】
計畫簡介 Introduction
資訊公開 Information
具備EMI技能研習證書之教師 Faculty members who have earned the Certificate in EMI Skills
全英語授課表 EMI Courses
計畫助理 Assistant
活動成果 Activities
110學年度 110th Academic Year
111學年度 111th Academic Year
112學年度 112th Academic Year
學術顧問 Academic Advisors
Professor Bertha Du-Babcock
Professor Michael Byram
EMI 獎補助申請 Subsidy Application
表單下載 Download
獎補助辦法實施要點 Guidelines for Awarding
EMI相關外部資源 EMI Resources
高等教育深耕計畫【Higher Education Sprout Project】
112年度 112 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
國際文教暨涉外事務學院成果海報 Poster
111年度 111 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
110年度 110 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
109年度 109 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
108年度 108 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
107年度 107 Higher Education Sprout Project
執行項目 Plan
執行進度 Progress Chart
執行成果 Monthly Report
活動花絮 Activities
教師用表單 For Teachers
學生用表單 For Students
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發佈日期 2025-03-11 11:28
【恭賀】學院教師通過113年度人工智慧數位科技(AI)融入教案徵件獎勵! "Congratulations! College Faculty Awarded for Successful Submission of Lesson Plans Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) Digital Technology."
發佈日期 2025-03-11 10:36
【恭賀】學院教師獲獎/獲補助 Congratulations to faculty from the International College for being awarded and granted
發佈日期 2025-02-24 09:50
【恭賀】國際事務系吳紹慈老師獲得勞動部產業新尖兵計畫補助 Congratulations to Professor Shao-Tzu Wu from Department of International Affairs for being awarded the grant for the Industrial Talent Program
發佈日期 2025-02-11 08:50
【恭賀】以下同學獲得EMI獎勵金 Congratulations to the following students
發佈日期 2025-01-07 09:07
文藻英文系學生於2024亞洲會展青年競賽獲得「特別榮譽獎」(Special Recognition Award)
發佈日期 2024-11-14 11:34
【恭賀】以下教師獲得EMI以及ESP課程獎勵金 Congratulations to the following teachers
發佈日期 2024-10-08 08:08
【恭賀】以下同學獲得EMI獎勵金 Congratulations to the following students
發佈日期 2024-10-07 15:15
【恭賀】學院教師獲取彈性薪資獎勵 Congratulations to the faculty from the College awarded with flexible pay
發佈日期 2024-09-16 08:45
【恭賀】學院教師獲獎/獲補助 Congratulations to faculty from the International College for being awarded and granted.
發佈日期 2024-08-29 11:33
【恭賀】本學院大一學生獲得培力英檢B2銀質證書!! 【Congratulations】Our freshman students have been awarded the B2 Silver Certificate of BESTEP!!!
發佈日期 2024-08-27 09:20
【恭賀】英國語文系顏楚蓉老師以及英語教學中心賴琦瑾老師獲得計畫補助 Congratulations to Professor Helen Yen from Department of English and Professor Zola Lai from Center for English Language Teaching for being awarded the grant for the program
發佈日期 2024-08-15 10:10
【恭賀】英國語文系曾善美同學獲得計畫補助 Congratulations to student from Department of English for being awarded the grant for the program
發佈日期 2024-08-15 09:57
【恭賀】外語教學系周牧璇老師獲得計畫補助 Congratulations to Professor Mu-Hsuan Chou from the Department of Foreign Language Instruction for being awarded the grant for the program
發佈日期 2024-08-15 09:44
【恭賀】英國語文系葉佰賢副教授,通過教育部審定教師資格升等為教授。【Congratulations】Associate Professor Aiden Yeh of the Department of English Language and Literature has been approved by the Ministry of Education to be promoted to the rank of Professor.
發佈日期 2024-07-02 10:18
【恭賀】英文系蔡佳蓉老師 [英語教學法概論] 之觀課影片獲選為本院 EMI 課程模範影片! Congratulations to Professor Chia-Jung Tsai from the Department of English, her EMI course video has been selected as an EMI course role model video!
發佈日期 2024-06-07 16:00
【恭賀】英國語文系碩士班張相屏同學畢業成績優異經本校選為中華民國斐陶斐學會榮譽會員 Graduate student Hsiang Ping Chang from the Department of English has been selected as an honorary member of Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society of the R.O.C. due to her excellent achievement.
發佈日期 2024-06-06 14:20
【恭賀】國際學院翁一珍老師獲得計畫補助 Congratulations to Prof. Janet I-Jane Weng from the International College for being awarded the grant for the program
發佈日期 2024-05-20 09:24
【恭賀】國際學院盧美妃老師獲得計畫補助 Congratulations to Prof. Mei-Fei Lu from the International College for being awarded the grant for the program
發佈日期 2024-05-20 09:11
【恭賀】國際事務系吳紹慈老師及外語教學系藍美華老師榮獲勞動部補助大專校院辦理就業學程計畫 Congratulations to Professor Shao-tzu Wu from Department of International Affairs and Professor Mei-hua Lan from Department of Foreign Language Instruction for being awarded the grant for Career Program
發佈日期 2024-04-18 11:06
【恭賀】文藻團隊取得「第2屆永續之森」第三名佳績!Congratulations to Wenzaorians!
發佈日期 2024-04-17 08:20
【恭賀】國際學院教師獲得計畫補助 Congratulations to teachers from the International College for being awarded the grant for the program
發佈日期 2024-02-22 13:28
【恭賀】外語教學系孫韵芳教授榮獲「全球優秀青年學子來臺蹲點計畫(TEEP)」補助經費 Congratulations to Professor Janny Sun from the Department of Foreign Language Instruction for being awarded the grant for the TEEP.
發佈日期 2024-01-02 11:28
【焦點新聞】恭賀五專部英文科學生取得亞洲會展青年競賽大獎! Students from Department of English Excel at AFECA Asia MICE Youth Challenge 2023 in Bangkok
發佈日期 2023-11-23 11:17
發佈日期 2023-10-18 14:26
發佈日期 2023-10-18 14:18
【恭賀】外教系學生榮獲『第二屆全國高中職暨技專校院英語繪本創意教學競賽』第三名 Congratuation! The student from the department of Foreign Language Instruction gets THIRD PLACE in the competition of creative teaching with English picture book
發佈日期 2023-02-24 16:16
發佈日期 2022-05-30 13:15
發佈日期 2021-11-29 10:29