【活動】教師社群活動-簡赫琳教授分享「東亞地區高等教育英語化情況」Teacher Community Event – Professor Herlin Chien on
發布日期 2025-02-27 09:04:00
Teacher Community Event – Professor Herlin Chien on " The Development of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education Across East Asia "
The faculty community "International Affairs, AI, and EMI Synergy," co-organized by the ICEFA College and the Department of International Affairs, held a sharing session on February 26, 2025, at Z406. The event featured Professor Herlin Chien, Director of the General Education Center at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, who delivered a talk on "The State of English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education Across East Asia."
Professor Chien highlighted that the Japanese government launched the Global 30 Project in 2009 to internationalize 13 universities within Japan. This initiative was followed in 2013 by the Go Global Japan and Top Global University Projects, which aimed to facilitate collaboration between 37 Japanese universities and top institutions worldwide, attract more international students to study in Japan, and promote EMI courses to support higher education internationalization.
Regarding China, Professor Chien noted that while there had been some investment in EMI in higher education before 2020, it was not significant. However, after 2020, the Chinese government made a strong push to attract international students, leading to rapid growth in EMI courses across the country.
Professor Chien also pointed out that EMI implementation in East Asian countries is primarily driven by top-down government policies, raising several noteworthy concerns. These include EMI being used as a marketing tool for student recruitment, difficulties in delivering in-depth course content in EMI, the uncertain impact of EMI courses on local students' English proficiency, and a lack of coordination among EMI, English for Academic Purposes (EAP), and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). South Korea serves as an example, where EMI policies were implemented without adequately considering the English proficiency of faculty and students, resulting in a significant gap between policy expectations and actual outcomes.
The discussion also extended to the teaching experiences of attendees, who explored the impact of EMI courses on Wenzao students and educators. Participants exchanged insights on challenges faced in teaching EMI courses and the difficulties students encounter in the learning process.
In conclusion, Professor Chien emphasized that for non-native English speakers in East Asia, EMI presents both challenges and opportunities. She underscored the importance of prioritizing quality over quantity in EMI courses to create a win-win situation for students and educators, ultimately enhancing students’ future career prospects and ensuring a smoother transition into the workforce. (13/4.95)
由國際學院和國際事務系共同合辦之教師社群「International Affairs, AI, and EMI Synergy」於2025年2月26日在 Z406 舉辦分享會,邀請屏東科大通識教育中心主任簡赫琳教授,以「東亞地區高等教育英語化情況」進行分享。
簡教授指出,日本政府在2009年推動Global 30 Project ,致力於日本境內13所大學校園的國際化工作,並於2013年以後接續推動Go Global Japan 以及Top Global University Project,力促37所日本大學與世界頂級大學合作、提升國際生到日本留學,也致力於推動EMI課程以配合高等教育的國際化工作。在中國方面,中國於2020年前的高等教育在EMI的投入雖有,但是不顯著,直到2020年以後,中國政府力推國際生入學,EMI課程在中國蓬勃發展。