【活動】外語教學系第19屆畢業成果展「拾玖語你」The 19th Graduation Exhibition of the Department of Foreign Language Instruction: Destination Onward
發布日期 2024-11-25 09:34:00
外語教學系第19屆畢業成果展「拾玖語你」The 19th Graduation Exhibition of the Department of Foreign Language Instruction: Destination Onward
On November 23 and 24, 2024, the 19th Graduation Exhibition of the Department of Foreign Language Instruction at the College was held at Pier-2 Art Center’s Pinway Warehouse No. 8 in Kaohsiung. Themed “Destination Onward”, the exhibition showcased students’ comprehensive abilities in foreign language instruction, cross-cultural communication, and creative application. By integrating language education, cultural exploration, and technological innovation, the event attracted numerous visitors from both on and off campus.
The exhibition featured collaborative efforts from various student groups, each focusing on unique themes. From educational innovation to cultural exploration, from environmental protection to technological applications, the presentations displayed a wealth of creativity and practicality. For instance, some groups incorporated sustainable development concepts into language education, while others utilized artificial intelligence to create interactive platforms, exploring new possibilities for future teaching. Still, others captivated attendees with multilingual performances and cultural storytelling, emphasizing the power of language as a bridge for communication.
In addition to the diverse exhibits, the event offered engaging interactive experiences. A thoughtfully designed checkpoint activity allowed participants to delve deeper into the essence of foreign language teaching while earning exclusive gifts and marketplace discounts. The venue also featured a photo-taking area and a grand finale prize draw, with the top prize—an iPad Air with an Apple Pencil—enthusiastically sought after by attendees.
This graduation exhibition masterfully combined creativity with professionalism, highlighting the students’ profound understanding of language education and their boundless potential for the future. “Destination Onward” was not just an exhibition but a moment of reflection and aspiration, symbolizing the students’ readiness to leave the campus and embark on greater journeys ahead.
2024年11月23日與24日,國際學院外語教學系第19屆畢業成果展於高雄駁二藝術特區Pinway八號倉庫盛大舉行。本次畢展以「拾玖語你——Destination Onward」為主題,展現學生在外語教學、跨文化交流及創意應用上的全方位能力。活動融合了語言教育、文化探討與科技創新,透過多元化的展示形式,吸引了校內外眾多參觀者。
整場活動不僅有內容豐富的展覽,更提供多樣的互動體驗。闖關活動設計巧妙,參加者可透過完成任務深入了解外語教學的精髓,並獲得專屬小禮與市集優惠。現場還設有打卡拍照區與精心準備的壓軸抽獎,最大獎「iPad Air加Apple Pencil」吸引眾多參與者熱情投入。
這次畢展以創意與專業相結合,呈現了外教系學生對語言教育的深刻理解和未來的無限可能。「拾玖語你——Destination Onward」是一場回顧與展望並行的展覽,象徵著學生們告別校園、邁向更大舞台的決心與信心。