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【活動】透過 AI 創作屬於自己的歌詞,成為對嘴歌手 Creating Personalized Lyrics with AI and Becoming a Lip-Sync Artist

發布日期 2024-10-15 13:51:00

Creating Personalized Lyrics with AI and Becoming a Lip-Sync Artist


The International College held a workshop titled “Creating Personalized Lyrics with AI and Becoming a Lip-Sync Artist” on October 15th from 12:00 to 1:00 PM in Q207, led by Professor Chen Yuhong. The event aimed to teach participants how to use modern technological tools like ChatGPT and Suno AI to create personalized lyrics, edit music, and ultimately produce their own music and lip-sync videos.


At the start of the workshop, Professor Chen guided participants on how to use ChatGPT, with the theme of memorable holiday experiences. Participants wrote short stories based on these memories and condensed them into 65-70 words with the help of ChatGPT, which were then transformed into song lyrics. ChatGPT also assisted in refining the story details to generate lyrics related to the memories.


Next, participants used Suno AI to turn their lyrics into 29-second music clips. They could choose different music styles and vocal types (such as male or female vocals) and adjust the melody and lyrics to suit their personal preferences. Following this, Professor Chen taught them how to use Clipchamp to edit the music clips to fit the video segments.


Finally, participants combined their music with selected images using Hedra AI to produce a complete lip-sync video. Hedra AI automatically generated the video, allowing participants to quickly see their finished product and further explore the applications of AI technology.


This workshop attracted teachers from various departments, all of whom showed great interest in these AI-assisted tools. With the support of Professor Chen and teaching assistants, every participant successfully completed their music and video creations and expressed satisfaction with their results. The teachers are eager to integrate these AI tools into their teaching to enhance classroom diversity and engagement.



國際學院於1015日中午在Q207舉辦了「透過AI創作屬於自己的歌詞,成為對嘴歌手」工作坊,由陳育虹老師主講。活動旨在教導參與者如何使用ChatGPTSuno AI等科技工具,創作個人化歌詞並進行音樂編輯,最終生成專屬的音樂與對嘴影片。


活動一開始,陳老師指導參與者如何啟用ChatGPT,並以假期回憶為題材,生成簡短描述。參與者將回憶故事精簡為6570字,並透過ChatGPT優化細節,生成相關歌詞。接著,大家使用Suno AI將歌詞轉換為29秒的音樂片段,並可根據個人風格選擇音樂類型與人聲。隨後,陳老師教導使用Clipchamp進行音樂剪輯,使音樂片段與影片相符。


最後,參與者透過Hedra AI將創作的音樂與圖片結合,生成對嘴影片。Hedra AI自動生成視頻,讓參與者快速完成作品並體驗AI技術應用。
