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【活動】為你假期旅行中的一個難忘時刻創作一首歌 Creating a Song for a Memorable Moment in Your Holiday Travel

發布日期 2024-10-09 16:27:00

The College organized a workshop on “Creating a Song for a Memorable Moment in Your Holiday Travel” in Q207 today (October 8), with the speaker, Ian Li, who has extensive experience in the field of photography. The speaker is an experienced photographer and has unique insights in song appreciation. In today's workshop, the speaker shared with teachers how to combine Suno AI tools and ChatGPT to create their own travel-themed songs. It is hoped that this workshop will not only allow people to share their travel memories, but also inspire them to create their own personal music works with the integration of modern technology. At the same time, AI tools can be utilized to improve language skills when creating lyrics.


Before sharing, the speaker asked the participating teachers and teaching assistants to recall the memorable moments of their vacations, briefly describe them to ChatGPT, and then ask ChatGPT to ask questions about the stories. Based on these questions, ChatGPT will ask questions and refine the story to improve the content. In the process, ChatGPT will understand more about the memorable moments of the vacation and finally generate lyrics based on the story. Once the lyrics were generated, participants would post them on Suno and choose their favorite music style to create a unique song.


Teachers in this workshop came from different departments of the University. Online and offline teachers showed strong interest in the new teaching aid and were very active in asking questions. During the actual operation, the speaker and Ms. Chen kept a close eye on the progress of the participants to provide immediate assistance. Each teacher was very satisfied with the finished product and looked forward to incorporating the tools into their teaching so as to diversify their teaching contents!


國際學院今 (108) 日在Q207舉辦「為你假期旅行中的一個難忘時刻創作一首歌」數位人文系列工作坊。講者李軍毅攝影領域經驗豐富,在歌曲賞析中亦有獨特見解。在今日的工作坊中,講者與老師分享如何結合Suno AI工具及ChatGPT,創作屬於自己的旅行主題歌曲。希望通過這個工作坊,不僅讓人們分享他們的旅行回憶,還能激發創作熱情,結合現代科技,打造個人音樂作品。同時在創作歌詞時,也能利用AI工具精進語言能力。



