【活動】數位人文工作坊: 基礎Python Digital Humanities Workshop: Introduction to Python
發布日期 2024-08-29 13:51:00
Introduction: On August 28, the College held a "Digital Humanities Workshop" in Q407. This workshop focused on the basics of the Python programming language, with instructor Mr. Jun-Hong Chen guiding participants from the ground up, providing clear and accessible explanations of Python's fundamental syntax and applications. Mr. Chen led participants through hands-on exercises, explaining related terminology and concepts along the way. This workshop is part of the university's ongoing efforts to integrate digital tools into the curriculum, with more workshops to follow. We encourage everyone to participate actively.
Following the event, there will be a discussion meeting regarding the application for the Ministry of Education's Digital Humanities Interdisciplinary Talent Smart Leadership Project. The application proposal is planned for submission on September 20.
活動簡介: 學院於8月28日在Q407教室舉辦「數位人文工作坊」。本次工作坊聚焦於Python編程語言的基礎教學,邀請陳俊宏老師將帶領參與者從零開始,深入淺出地講解Python的基本語法與應用。陳老師帶著老師們一步步實際操作,也同時解釋相關的術語和概念。此工作坊為本校致力於數位工具融入課程一系列活動之一,日後還有其他工作坊,請大家踴躍參加。