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【焦點新聞】 EMI教學的共向與岐向-線上國際學術研討會報導 Convergences and Divergences of English Medium Instruction (EMI) Teaching – report on the Online International Conference

發布日期 2024-07-11 09:10:00

After nearly a year of preparation, the College of International Culture, Education, and Foreign Affairs at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages successfully held an online international conference on July 3, 2024, with the theme of " Convergences and Divergences of English Medium Instruction (EMI) Teaching ".


The conference featured three keynote presentations by renowned speakers from four countries, including:


- Dr. Joseph Siegel from the University of Stockholm, Sweden.

- Dr. Michael Byram from Durham University, UK.

- Dr. Lynne Parmenter from Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan.

- Dr. Ikuya Aizawa from the University of Nottingham, UK.


These scholars shared their profound insights and latest research findings in EMI teaching and learning, bringing a feast of ideas to the participants.


In addition to the lecturers above, six outstanding abstracts were selected among all the submitters for presentations. These presenters included (in Chinese alphabetical order):


- Dr. Shu-fang Lai from Sun Yat-sen University

- Dr. Hui-Ju Lin from Chung Yuan Christian University

- Dr. Aiden Yeh from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages

- Dr. Yen-hui Li from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages

- Graduate student Kuen-Lin Tseng from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages

- Dr. Peiwen Huang from Cheng Hsiu University


Their research explored the implementation of EMI teaching strategies, cross-language challenges, and other issues from different perspectives, providing participants with great opportunities for academic exchanges and discussions.


After the conference, the College announced that it would publish an edited book on EMI-related topics and welcome all those who are experienced in EMI teaching to contribute their papers. It's not for the presenters of the conference only. The College hopes to promote more academic research sharing and cooperation, and further facilitate the development of the teaching field in EMI.


The College ran an online rehearsal on both July 1 and 2 to ensure that all the hardware, software, and content were all set.


This online international conference not only demonstrated the latest trends in EMI teaching and research worldwide but also provided a valuable platform for domestic and foreign scholars to communicate with each other. Through careful planning and organization by the College, the online conference was a great success and set a good example for academic activities in the future.


The Dean welcomed Foreign Scholars

Lecture delivered by Joseph Siegel

Dr. Lynne Parmenter and Dr. Michael Byram interacted with Chairperson Wu Li-ying and Dr. Aiden Yeh.

During the Q&A session, Speaker Ikuya Aizawa explained the questions raised by the teachers.

Group photo from the Online International Conference










- 來自瑞典斯德哥爾摩大學的Joseph Siegel教授

- 來自英國杜倫大學的Michael Byram教授

- 來自哈薩克納扎爾巴爾夫大學的Lynne Parmenter教授

- 來自英國諾丁罕大學的Ikuya Aizawa教授






- 中山大學的賴淑芳教授

- 中原大學的林慧茹助理教授

- 文藻外語大學的葉佰賢教授

- 文藻外語大學的李延輝助理教授

- 文藻外語大學的碩士生曾冠霖

- 正修科技大學的黃佩文助理教授










講者Joseph Siegel 演講

講者 Lynne ParmenterMichael Byram 吳麗英主任和葉佰賢老師互動

講者 Ikuya Aizawa 解釋老師們所提出的疑問
