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【焦點新聞】英國交換生在校建立深厚情誼:一日文藻人,終生文藻人Exchange Student from the UK forms strong bonds at the school: Be a Wenzaorian, Now and Forever

發布日期 2024-06-21 13:50:00


Exchange Student from the UK forms strong bonds at the school:

Be a Wenzaorian, Now and Forever






  Lottie, an exchange student from the UK, has had an unforgettable time in Taiwan. Everything was new and exciting for her on her first visit. She adored the local culture, cuisine, and friendly people, but the deep friendships she formed with her peers truly made her experience special. As the end of June nears, the moment to part ways quietly approaches, and Lottie feels deeply reluctant to leave this wonderful journey behind.


  In the Approaches to Literary Works class, Professor Lo prepared a special surprise for her—a Wenzao school bag, symbolizing her deep connection with the school. Luo hopes that Lottie, “as a Wenzaorian, now and forever” carries with her precious memories and bright hopes for the future.


Professor Lo prepared a special surprise for exchange student from the UK