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【社群活動】 閒聊EMI The big issue in “Small Talk” : EMI Sharing

發布日期 2023-10-17 14:58:00

      The EMI community's second sharing welcomed Miss Lu Qin-Yu from the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology on October 17. She shared her teaching experience related to "Small Talk" and introduced innovative teaching methods, offering valuable insights for developing the EMI education field.



      Ms. Lu centered her presentation on the topic of "Small Talk." To set the stage, she initiated the session by having participating teachers introduce themselves briefly and interactively. She then kickstarted the session with a carefully selected video. Students were encouraged to fill out questions related to the video content, promoting an interactive learning method that fostered active student engagement and enhanced their listening skills.



      In addition, Ms. Lu incorporated various activities during the teaching session, including group discussions, role-playing, and practical small talk exercises. These activities contributed to improving students' English communication skills and encouraged teamwork and problem-solving abilities. During her presentation, Ms. Lu emphasized using the IBC (Introduction-Body-Conclusion) teaching framework, which added structure and organization to the teaching process, helping students better comprehend and apply the knowledge they gained.



      After the sharing session, Professor Bertha, who was also in attendance, showed her amazement at Ms. Lu's teaching methods. She noted that within two to three hours, Ms. Lu managed to maintain such high levels of enthusiasm, leaving a lasting impression. This teaching style captured students' attention and deepened their engagement in the learning process, proving to be pivotal for the success of EMI classrooms.


#EMI #SmallTalk