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【社群活動】 3M 的EMI 分享 A 3M Sharing of EMI

發布日期 2023-10-06 17:01:00

     Dr. Spencer Lee (李為堯) of Kaohsiung Medical University shared his experiences in teaching Shakespeare in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) on October 4th at noon, both with faculty members within and outside the university. Dr. Lee candidly admitted that his classes included students ranging from a fifth-grade English test level to a high-level fifteenth-grade, with the majority of them hailing from medical programs. Discussing Shakespeare with such a diverse group of students presented its challenges.

     Dr. Lee's presentation can be categorized under the "3M" framework, where the first "M" stands for "Medical." He began by introducing the concept of the seven stages of life in healthcare, using it as an introduction. He emphasized the incorporation of medical terminology into various activities and assignments, such as integrating medical jargons into letters written to Juliet.


     The second "M" represents "modernized." To bridge the gap between Shakespeare and 21st-century students, Dr. Lee modernized his curriculum. For instance, during the presentation of "tomorrow, tomorrow, and tomorrow" from Macbeth, he used a cartoon video version featuring characters from The Simpsons—making it funnier and more modernized.


     The final "M" signifies "multimodal." In his presentation, Dr. Lee utilized a wide range of audiovisual tools, including recordings and videos of students, making it an exemplary demonstration of multimodal EMI teaching.

After the presentation, Dr. Elena from the English department expressed her astonishment at the innovative approach to teaching literature and believed it would be beneficial in planning her own linguistics courses.


#EMI #ShakespeareAndMedicalStudent