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國際學院舉辦講座: Constructing Intelligent Language Learning Environments with Virtual Reality

發布日期 2023-04-12 14:28:00

※活動名稱:Constructing Intelligent Language Learning Environments with Virtual Reality






※活動摘要:學院邀請兩位資深講者,分別是來自加州大學聖塔芭芭拉分校榮休教授兼語言學習與技術(SSCI)主編-Dr. Dorothy Chun與瑞典哥德堡大學副教授-Dr. Linda Bradley,以「沉浸式虛擬現實頭戴設備的潛在優勢: 對認知、社交和情感學習因素的影響」與「透過數位溝通學習新語言」兩大主題演講,引導來賓共同思考與學習這數位新時代如何影響教育。

【Constructing Intelligent Language Learning Environments with Virtual Reality】


※Date: May 4, 2023


※Time: 14:00-16:20


※Venue: Z1307


※Summary: The college has invited two distinguished speakers, Dr. Dorothy Chun, Professor Emeritus from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Editor-in-Chief of Language Learning & Technology (SSCI), and Dr. Linda Bradley, Associate Professor at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. They will discuss the topics of "The Affordances of Immersive Virtual Reality with Headsets: Their Impact on Cognitive, Social, and Affective Learning Factors" and "Designing Digital Communication for Learning a New Language." These discussions will guide guests in reflecting on and learning about how the digital age is influencing education.