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【New Course】 新創事業與融資開課招生中 Startup Business and Fundraising Course

發布日期 2022-03-18 09:09:00















就能完成撰寫Business Plan!!



         Call for Wenzao Campus Startup Business Plan! Entrepreneurship is no longer just a dream!

You can have the opportunity to start a new business in Wenzao campus!

         The instructor, Bernard Chang, who had been the chief financial officer (CFO) for several well-known enterprise groups in the United States, Mainland China, and Germany will consult the team’s business plan based on his rich fundraising experience for several new ventures.

         We welcome students to organize your startup team of at least four people. As long as you bring your entrepreneurial ideas, your team will be able to complete the business plan in two months starting from April 9, 2022.

You may have the opportunity to win a special grant for the entrepreneurial plan proposed !!

         If you wish to distinguish yourself from other competitors when you graduate, join this class, we would equip you with abilities of critical thinking, problem solving and leadership.


  • 開課重點

1.參加條件:Who may elect this course?

  • 本校四技、二技學生,研究所以及專科部四年級(含)以上學生。Undergraduate or graduate students or the fourth or fifth year students from the five-year junior college can elect this course.
  • 對於創業計畫有興趣,願意投注時間學習如何擬定創業計畫、模擬CEO/CMO/CFO/COO角色扮演及接受董事會模擬提案簡報挑戰的學生創業團隊。Those who are interested in preparing a business plan for entrepreneurial idea and willing to present the plan to a simulated meeting of board of directors.

2.報名及課程規定:Steps to elect the course

填寫線上申請表 https://forms.gle/Rhv14NC5yg7YjMPR9 並經遴選程序,始得修習課程。

Please fill in the online google form. https://forms.gle/Rhv14NC5yg7YjMPR9

  • 新創事業與融資課程以招收20-32名學生共計5-8組創業團隊為原則。Will recruit 20 to 32 students in 5 to 8 teams.
  • 報名創業培訓課程,須繳交1000元保證金,於通過課程(取得學分)後領回。完成創業計畫,可獲獎勵1000元。若期末獲選為表現優異者,創業團隊可再獲5000至10000元獎勵金。Need to pay NTD1,000 deposit to attend the classes.  Can be awarded NTD1,000 after completing the course.  Great business plans can be awarded NTD5,000 to NTD10,000.

  • 重要時程Schedule




報名 Register



March 17 to 28, 2022

Please key in your email.

面試通知 Interview Arrangement


March 29, 2029


面試遴選 Interview


下午3:30~5:30 pm

March 30, 2022



錄取結果公告 Student confirmed to take the course

111年3月31日(四) 5:00pm

March 31, 2022

公告於國際文教暨涉外事務學院首頁 to be announced on the webpage of College of International Culture, Education and Foreign Affairs

繳交保證金 Deposit


Pay by April 6, 2022



Please go to Z1201  Ms. Huang after 1:00pm.


The First Class



April 9, 2022



Lunch box to be provided.



  • 課程規劃Course Plan

初階課程Credit:2學分 2 Credit Hours 九週 每週六4小時

課程名稱Course title:新創事業與融資 Startup Business and Fundraising

授課教師Instructor:張致中Bernard Chang 盧美妃 Sophie Lu 四位具創業融資經驗業界經理人 Four Co-Teachers

參考資料Course Material:創業計畫手冊  文藻創業計畫書 Business Plan Manual to be distributed.

Course Plan

April 9, 2022

Week 1: Business Plan Manual to be distributed

  1. Students by Groups (@4) and New business or New business division selected
  2. Group start up business selected and reported (communication & Collaboration)

Campus startup business


Week 2:

  1. Submission of “Startup Business” selected
  1. General introduction of business/financial world
  2. Management Skills : Preventive action Vs Corrective action
  3. Fund raising for Startup company or business division and to be integrated into Business Plan


Week 3:

  1. VIP (M&A) Guest speech
  2. How to write up and prepare Business Plan for startup business (or business division) and Example Shared
  3. BP – All information and date should be logical and feasible
  4. Main Contents of Business plan
  1. Legal compliance with law and regulation
  2. Marketing information collection and analyses
  3. Core competence and simple SWOT analyses
  4. Planned Schedule
  5. 3 Years Projected Income statement (P&L)
  1. Capex (Capital expenditures assumption)
  2. Opex (Operation expenses assumption)
  3. Fund needed

Week 4

  1. 1 VIP speaker LiShan Eco CEO
  1. How to read (understand)the financial statements
  2. Three-year financial plan IRR NPV PBP
  3. Student Group BP skeleton/Key points Presentation and Critics
  4. Opinion given by instructor


Week 5:

  1. 1 VIP speaker (Meetup Formosa Founder)
  2. Student Group BP skeleton/Key points Presentation and Critics
  3. Opinion given by instructor


Week 6:

  1. 1 VIP speaker (Siziwan Education Foundation Secretary Genera)
  1. Student Group BP skeleton/Key points Presentation and Critics
  2. Opinion given by instructor


Week 7 and 8 (Simulated Board Meeting)

  1. Completed Business Plan (BP) presented by each student group
  2. Teacher and the other groups served as board members or executive committee
  3. All Business Plan due and submitted after “simulated board meeting and board members critics”


Week 9

Final and Top 2 BPs are selected and shared

