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【延期通知】2020年第十七屆海峽兩岸外語教學研討會 【Postponed announcement】The 17th Cross-strait Conference on Foreign Language Teaching & Learning

發布日期 2020-06-22 13:54:00


有關本屆2020年海峽兩岸外語教學研討會,考量目前疫情雖已和緩但國際跨域旅行仍多有限制,各項疫情配合規範仍未明朗,為免各項行政作業延宕造成困擾,會議辦理日程調整到明年10月份。預計將於明年(110) 1月份左右進行徵稿作業,敬請老師們再多加留意了,如有造成不便,尚祈見諒,謝謝大家。




Dear Teachers,
The pandemic has been eased; however, international travel is still being restricted and pandemic coordination regulations remain unclear. In order to avoid any problems caused by various administrative operations for hosting the 17th Cross-strait Conference on Foreign Language Teaching & Learning, the schedule will be adjusted to October next year. The call-for-papers will be announced in January 2021. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 


College of English and International Studies.