111-1 烏克蘭青年逃離戰區來臺蹲點 赴文藻學習華語 Ukrainian student visits Taiwan to talk about the war with Russia with faculty members and students of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.
發布日期 2023-01-18
烏克蘭青年逃離戰區來臺蹲點 赴文藻學習華語
Ukrainian student visits Taiwan to talk about the war with Russia with faculty members and students of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.
烏克蘭青年Valeriia Skrynnyk(圖中)於本校英文系「語言與文化」課程進行文化分享,師生很開心有此次交流機會。相片提供/國際文教暨涉外事務學院
以下內容及照片截自文藻外語大學新聞稿(烏克蘭青年逃離戰區來臺蹲點 赴文藻學習華語):https://a001.wzu.edu.tw/article/504578
文藻外語大學國際文教暨涉外事務學院執行「優秀外國青年來臺蹲點計畫」(Taiwan Experience Education Program, TEEP),首次有來自烏克蘭的學員參加。現年21歲的烏克蘭青年Valeriia Skrynnyk於今年10月入境台灣教英語並且學習華語。基於人道精神,文藻外大提供免費校舍住宿,並由國際文教暨涉外事務學院同仁擔任她的生活學伴,協助適應台灣文化。
The College of International Culture, Education, and Foreign Affairs at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages is implementing the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP) and has invited a Ukrainian student to Taiwan for the first time. Valeriia Skrynnyk, a 21-year-old Ukrainian woman, came to Taiwan in October to teach English and learn Chinese. In the spirit of humanity, Wenzao offered her free accommodations and a “buddy” to help her adapt to Taiwanese culture and learn Chinese. From October to November, Valeriia worked at Kaohsiung Municipal Hebin Elementary School as an English teaching assistant. While there, she participated in a cultural handicraft class at Kaohsiung Municipal Shoushan Junior High School, where she taught middle school students to paint Easter eggs. Also, while in Taiwan, Valeriia shared the Ukrainian language, food, and culture in four courses at Wenzao. She also shared her story of living through the war in Ukraine and the displacement of her family and friends, which made her cry during the sharing session. However, many Taiwanese students came to her after class and cheered her up, which made her feel the warmth of Taiwan.
Dr. Vivian Chiu-Hui Wu, the Dean of the College of International Culture, Education, and Foreign Affairs, stated, "There are many Russian students and teachers at Wenzao, but no Ukrainian students. Therefore, it is necessary for teachers and students to learn more about the Ukrainian culture and viewpoints on the war. Valeriia wrote the following:
“With the arrival of the war to my home, my life was turned upside down. Every day I woke up to the sound of missiles and bombs explosions. There were times when I said goodbye to my life because of the shelling, thinking that it was my last day. When Ms. Wu told me that I could come to Taiwan, I felt like I was alive again; it was a breath of fresh air for me. I am very grateful to Taiwan for supporting Ukraine! I am so grateful to the Taiwanese people for making me feel like this is my second home. Here, I not only learned Chinese [language] and culture, but also relearned how to live and enjoy life. Again, Taiwanese people are very kind and helpful. These facts make me not feel disappointed with people. Thanks, Taiwan, for being interested in Ukrainian culture. We have a lot in common and I hope the cooperation between Taiwan and the Ukraine will be better and better. Thank you, Taiwan, from the bottom of my heart!”
Finally, Valeriia would like to thank the Ministry of Education for funding the TEEP program and the Taiwanese teachers and students for taking care of her and allowing her life story to be heard. Valeriia is currently studying Chinese at Wenzao’s Chinese Language Center and is expected to work as an English teaching assistant again in the elementary or middle schools next semester.
烏克蘭青年Valeriia Skrynnyk(圖中)於本校英文系「語言與文化」課程進行文化分享,師生很開心有此次交流機會。Valeriia Skrynnyk, a young Ukrainian woman, participated in a culture-sharing session at the English Department’s
文藻師生準備卡片為Valeriia加油打氣。Wenzao’s professors and students prepared cards to cheer Valeriia on.
Valeriia於文藻課堂進行文化分享。Valeriia participated in a culture-sharing session at the English Department’s
Valeriia於高雄市立河濱國小進行英語教學。Valeriia taught English at Kaohsiung Municipal Hebin Elementary School.
Valeriia於壽山國中教學生繪製復活節彩蛋。Valeriia taught students at Kaohsiung Municipal Shoushan Junior High School how to paint Easter eggs.