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110-2 7/21 【線上會議】第四場全英語線上授課(EMI)課程設計與規劃社群會議【110-2 0721 (Online Meeting) The 4th meeting of the EMI online course design and planning faculty community】

發布日期 2022-08-11





※活動地點:Microsoft Teams (線上會議)








【110-2 the 4th meeting of the EMI online course design and planning faculty community】


※Date: July 21, 2022


※Time: 14:00-16:00


※Venue: Microsoft Teams (Online Meeting)


※Speaker:Mark Wen-Yi Lai, Associate Professor, Department of International Affairs & Vivian Chiu-Hui Wu, Professor, Department of English


※Topic: Design and Planning of MOOCs


※Summary: Two speakers shared their experiences and thoughts on developing MOOCs teaching materials. Moreover, the College of International Culture, Education, and Foreign Affairs funds teachers to offer MOOCs. A total of 14 faculty members from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages participated in the workshop.